Abidjan, Ivory Coast 114
Algae bloom 17
Alkaline hydrosis 56
Alpha Centauri 39
American flag 23
April 16, 2007 21, 86
Astronomers 22
Australia 12
Atari 38
Axe 37

Backward Masking Unmasked 28
Backpack, baby 132-133
Bahamas 111
Balloon 21
Bamboo Harvester 27
Banana 20, 33
Basketball goal 9
Becker, Ernest 9
“Be Thou My Vision” 85
Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me 127
Benghazi 45
Bicycle 51, 141
Bieber, Justin 55
Bike 9, 17, 60, 65, 101, 155
Bilbo, Mrs. 137-140
Birdman, Robert 85
Blood Orange 60
Blood, drinking of 94
Blood, gang 104
Blood-soaked shirt 10
Bloom, Harold 110
Bojangles, Mr. 53
Bowles, Paul 40
Brief History of Singing, A 115
Brook Cherith, the 144
Brooklyn 166
Brush Mountain 76
Buckeye 34
Bush Administration 45
Burtt, Ben 34

Cage, Nicholas 25
Calamity Jane 57
Cannabist, The 58
Capote, Truman 67
Carnivorous flower 68
Captain America as Literature 85
Cascades, The 22
Catawba 52, 64, 78, 80
Charlottesville 47
Cheeseburger 27, 99
Cherokee 79, 117, 146
Chicken, emoji
Chicken, fried 23
“Chicken-of-the-woods” 22
China 85
Chinatown 127
Chipmunk 9
Christ, Jesus 44
Christian Science Reading Room 78
Christmas 139
Cicada 61
Clinton, Hillary 70
Clowns 89
Coffin, hand-carved 67
Collins, Phil 119-120
Concealed-carry permit 13
Contemporary Fiction Class 111, 165
Copenhagen 76
Corn dog 22
Cornish, Audie 66
Cortisone 15
Cousin It 89
Cremulator 56
Cronin, Justin 67
Crow 22
Crowley,  Aliester 30-31
Cruz, Ted 45
Cuban Missile Crisis 24
Cure, The 28
Cycling 22, 59, 62, 102

Dali, Salvador 96
Declaration of Independence 49
Deer, dead 17
Deer, nursing 9
Depeche Mode 28
Devil (figurine) 51
Diane Rheem Show, The 146
Dignity Memorial 55
Dishwasher 9
Dog, elephant-skinned 99
“Dragon Lady” 97
Dream 15
Drone 52
“Drug baby” 93
Drugs 153
Dudley, Homer 34
Dutch, the 73

Earth 9
Economic collapse, impending 11
Elijah, the prophet 143, 144
Egypt 162
Egyptians, ancient 56
Emoji, chicken 11
Exhibit 39

Facebook 17, 47, 151
Fahrenheit 451 59
Farina, Richard 127
Farish, William 12
Farmer’s Market, Blacksburg 22, 59
Father, my 17, 33, 34, 37, 80, 83, 84, 87, 88, 93-97, 115, 161
Fawn, 51
Felicity 53
Fiddler’s Green 23
Fight Club 130
Fish person 45
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 87
Florida 17, 108, 122
Flower bouquets, 12
Fool’s good, 23
Flute music, Native American 13
Funeral home 55, 93

Galaga 78
Garden of Eden 34
General Lee, the 118
Gershwin, George 75
God 28, 82, 126, 139, 158
Golf Course, Pete Dye 75
Ghost 39, 52
Ghost vehicle, Dickensian 14
G.I. Joe 30
Girl, dead 151
Girl, morbidly obese 121
Girls 53
Goo Goo Dolls 121
Graceland 24
Grandfather tree 41
Grand Theft Auto V 13, 36-37, 86, 162
Gravity’s Rainbow 130
Greenbrier Hotel 24
Greenville, South Carolina 89
Grief Management 56
Grim Reaper 38
Grisham, John 146
Grey, Zane 118
Guantanamo 163
Guinea worm, 68
Gulf War 46
Gun 12, 13, 36, 38, 59, 60, 69, 79, 86, 107, 122, 145, 154

Halloween 51, 139
Harmon, Mark 19
Harper’s 158
Hawaii 55
Hebrews 69
Heron 155
Heinlein, Robert 23
Hitchcok, Alfred 62
Houstin, Whitney 121
“Human Torso, the” 99
Huxtables, The 118
Hydrangea 17
Hynes, Dev 60

Instagram 10, 61
Intellevision 38
Iowa 47
iPhone 159
Iran 47
Iraq 46
Israelites, the 162

Jackson, Andrew 79, 117
Jackson, Michael 18, 157
Jailer (female) 93
James, LeBron 75
Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy 98
Johnson, Denis 106, 127
Jordan, Micahel 75
Jorts 72
Jung, Carl 143

K92 55, 84
Kentucky 13
Khol & Middleston’s Dime Store Museum 57
Krishnamurti, Jiddu 82
Kilmer, Joyce 79, 80
Koopman, John 115
Korn 121
Kroger 44, 51
Kung Fu Master 38

Lao-Tzu 10
Lavey, Anton 31
Lavey, Zeena 31-32
Lee, Bruce 166
Limp Bizkit 121
Lewis, Merriwhether 46
Lawnmower 17
Landline 15
Light-blotches 17
Lindemann, Erich 56
“Little Man You’ve Had a Busy Day” 114
Lone Ranger, The 115
Louisville Slugger 156

Magic, Black 137, 138
Magic Castle 25
Mag Lite 36
Madiera 49
Man, African-American 153
Man, as slave to the past 73
Man, as aware of own consciousness 73
Man, behind bullet-proof glass wall 44
Man, black 9, 10, 12, 60, 118
Man, brother of tiny little man 73
Man, dead 94
Man, drowned 22
Man, fat 76
Man, fictional 53
Man, from Guyana, who had been born without arms and legs 99
Man, groomed by Theosophists 82
Man, little 64
Man, little, who eats ghosts 38
Man, named Homer 34
Man, named Junior 149
Man, named Purl 94
Man, old mountain 34
Man, older, black 46
Man, older, Caucasian 143
Man, solid 57
Man, struck by semi 93
Man, talking to himself 13
Man, tiny little 73
Man, very old 160
Man, who attempted to steal his ex-wife’s baby 131
Man, who believed himself to be dating Katy Perry 75
Man, who grew up in community of power plant workers in China 18
Man, who had miniature twin growing from chest 98
Man, who helped engineer sale of house 76
Man, who oversaw cult-like following 126
Man, who transformed himself into “Dragon Lady” 97
Man, who’d lost the tops of the last three fingers on his left hand 118
Man, whose brain I admired more than any other 134
Man, whose last name calls to mind the name of a shark’s fin 85
Man, whose wife had left him for another man
Man, with “elastic “ skin 99
Man, with mustache and mullet 28
Man, without left hand  70
Man, young 58, 152
Man, young, who, on April 16, 2007, chained the doors of a campus building shut,
then went in and out of classrooms, firing nearly 400 rounds of ammunition, injuring
17, killing 32, and then shooting himself in the head 21
Manchester United drills, 12
Marfa, Texas 41
Marijuana 9, 15
Mars Curiosity rover 110
Martin, Trayvon 165
Mary Jane 53, 54
Mark, Gospel of 44
Massachusetts 129
McCarthy, Cormac 127
McDaniels, Grace 98
McMansions 75
Medicine bag 17
Meditation room 24
Merrill, James 122
Metatron 162
Meteor shower (Persied), 75
Millennials 29
Millennium Falcon 101
Milsap, Ronnie 93
Mindfuck, basic 134
Mister Ed 27
Moore, George Gordon 87
Morocco 49
Mountain(s) 22, 34, 38, 45, 52, 60, 69, 79, 87, 88, 93, 94, 102, 107, 117, 122, 142, 145, 159, 166
Mountain Lake 142
Mountains, Blue Ridge 135
Mother, my 33, 83, 96, 97, 111, 156
Mouse 48, 50
Mouse, frozen 33
Musk, Elon 110
My Bible Friends 143

National Review 158
NBA 2K14 147
Netflix 68
New Mexico 40
New York City 127, 163
New York Review of Books, the 164
New Yorker, The 9, 134
Noah’s Ark (replica) 13
No Man’s Sky 65, 69
Nikkal, the Akkadian goddess of orchards 115

O’Connor, Flannery 119
O’Hara, Frank 122, 127
Obama 45, 164
Ocean, Frank 86
Octoroon 67
Oreo cookie pie, 12
Ouija board 124
Owl 78

Pac-Man 38
Paris Review 134
Paperboy 38
Patches the Horse 27
Periscopes (8 billion self-reflexive) 73
Perry, Katy 75
Peter Pan 95, 117
Phantosmia 76
Phone 62
Pinnacle List 55
Pizza Hut 39
Pizzolino 15
Plant, Robert 28
PlayStation 162
Popcorn 22, 48, 49
Prada 40
Presidential candidate 10
President-Elect 146, 163, 164
Pulsing pain-hole 20
Purdue University 163
Pushnik, Frieda 99

Queen Anne’s Lace 12, 53, 107
Quicksand 41-43

Radford Arsenal 29
Raiders of the Lost Ark 34
Roanoke 39, 47
Religion professor 16, 21
Revelation 163
Right-winger 103
Rivera, Geraldo 30-32
Robeson, Paul 114
Robinson, Marylinne 164
Robot, bomb-deploying 15
Robot, sex 15
Robot, wife 110
Rock’s Hidden Persuader 28
Ronaldo, Christiano 22
Rosetta space probe 110
Rossini, Gioachino 115

Sandy Hook 165
Santa 54
Satan 163
Satanism 31-32
Shakespeare 128
Shaman 40-43
Sears Roebuck & Co. 143
Serpentor 30
Sethian Liberation Movement 32
Sex Magick 31
Sesame Street 118
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 30
Singh, Lakshmi 60
Smash Mouth 121
Snake 33-34, 80, 101, 108, 111
Snowbird Mountain 87
Son 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25-26, 35, 37, 39, 45, 47, 51, 65, 66, 82-84, 91, 93, 107, 113, 116, 135, 151, 153-155, 157, 162
Spotify 18
Spy Hunter 38
Squirrel 33
Stanley the Farmer 63
Stanley (the dog) 64, 111
Stranger Things 68
“Star-Spangled Banner, The” 114
Story of Little Black Sambo, The 118
Straud, Robert 86
Stevens, Wallace 122
Storm closet 90
Subway 45
Summer School 19
Swamp Thing 101
Switzerland 47

Tape recorder, Fisher Prise 13
Tesfaye, Abel Makkonen
Texas Chain Saw Massacre 19
The Story of Ferdinand  96
Tiger Moth 141
Time, as psychological enemy of man 73
TLC 121
Tomatoes (San Marzano) 62
Tonto 117
Trail of Tears, the 146
Tsali Recreation Area 78-79
Tropical Smoothie Café 9Trump, Donald 45, 47, 62, 70
Trunk, elephant’s 76
Turd, single green 69
Turtle 101

Uncle Remus 118
Underground, The 46
United Parcel Service 152
United States Postal Service 34
Ural Mountains 87
U.S.A. 160
U.S. 2nd Calvary Regiment, 23
U.S. Drought Monitor 145

Vagina 15, 67
Vader, Darth 34, 52
Valentine (Texas) 42
Valley 19, 51, 52, 60, 78, 102, 103, 117, 127
Vampire 17, 67, 111
Virginia 12
Virginia Tech 24, 40, 86
Voice of the Mummy 111
Vulture 17

Wallace, David Foster 56
Wagon Train 99
Wagner, Richard 115
Water Falling Estate 55, 58
Watts, Alan 49
Weathertop Farm 22
Weather Channel 75, 111
West Virginia 29, 45
Westworld 110, 165
“What Made the Red Man Red” 117
White, Ellen G. 110
Wife 9, 11, 12, 15, 45, 47, 48, 51, 59, 61, 66, 107, 108, 112, 113, 128, 130, 131, 134, 143, 146, 153, 154, 163
William Tell Overture 115
Wisdom soul 41
Witch ball 17
World War II 34
World Wide Web 55
Woman, African-American 48
Woman, friendly black 48
Woman, little round 95
Woman, “mule-faced” 98
Woman, old 40, 94
Woman, whose tan, wrinkled face suggested she’d lived a life in which the smoking of cigarettes acted as a frequent punctuation in her daily routine, 148
Woman, pretty blond 53
Woman, raspy voiced 148
Woman, slender 95
Woman, short blond
Woman, tall black 162
Woman, tall blond 128
Woman, who’d have sex with just about anybody 93
Woman, who’d married a former placekicker 125
Woman, young 72, 166
Woman, young, biracial, wearing tiger striped pants and a black hoodie 153
Wooly bear 141
World Trade Center, the 163

Xbox 162
XTC 28

Yellowstone 15
Young, Edward 58
YouTube 97, 108
Your Story Hour 139

Zuccini 11